Aanpassen hosts file Mac OSX
Wanneer u bezig bent met het verhuizen van uw website en u nog niet de dns hebt aangepast kunt u de nieuwe site niet bereiken onder de domeinnaam. De dns wijst immers nog steeds naar de oude locatie. We kunnen…
Wanneer u bezig bent met het verhuizen van uw website en u nog niet de dns hebt aangepast kunt u de nieuwe site niet bereiken onder de domeinnaam. De dns wijst immers nog steeds naar de oude locatie. We kunnen…
Open the terminal and navigate to the desired folder for cleaning up process: find . -name \.DS_Store -exec rm -rf {} \; find . -name \_notes -exec rm -rf {} \;
Since I’m working on a MacBook Pro I’ve been missing this feature I had on a Windows machine; easy renaming images with a sequence. I used it mainly for images taken on our holidays; it was a huge batch process.…
ALL files and ALL folders For a text file of ALL files and Folders in your Home Directory, In Terminal, enter: find ~ -print | sed -e ‘s;[^/]*/;|—>;g;s;—>|; |;g’ > ~ To direct to a specific Folder, replace ~ with…
Time for some serious finder mojo: 1. Using Finder, the top level folder of those files that you want to unlock. Switch to List View mode (cmd-2). 2. You should now see a finder pane containing only those files and…
Having trouble restoring your back-up data … … done with ‘Back-up and Restore’ on your Sony Ericsson Xperia 10 (version 2.1) after upgrading to Gingerbread (version 2.3.3) ? Download the file ‘Backup and restore v010935.apk (1,5Mb)‘ and save it to…